II Cor 12:9 My grace is all you need. My power works best in your weakness.
This got me wondering when do I see God’s power most in my life? What are my weaknesses that I know I need to rely on God’s power to overshadow my weakness? Here is my list:
1. Self-doubt – when I look to God’s power I am reassured that God loves me, He wants the best for me, and doubt in self does not mean doubt in God
2. Insensitivity to the feelings of others – taking this to God in prayer, God is bringing this issue to the forefront of my mind when it occurs so that I can make mid-course corrections
3. Overemotional – I am comforted knowing God is handling the situations that I am emotional about, and this brings me comfort
4. Fear of rejection when evangelizing – God’s power has always stepped in to make the rejection very polite and tolerable
This is something for us all to consider. You might be surprised, as I was, to recognize how God is compensating for your weaknesses – another reason to give Him praise. I would love to hear what you come up with