Lord, Please Let Me Suffer!!

It is a great day to be called a Christian! One of my favorite passages is Eph 3:14-21. In v. 19 Paul prays for the church “to know (practically, through experience for ourselves) the love of Christ, which far surpasses mere knowledge (without experience)”

My thought today is I believe we only come to truly experience the love of Jesus when we are in a situation where we must call on him. In Phil 3:10 Paul says “I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death”.

This is a new and much higher and deeper level of faith for us to strive for. I am reluctant to even type what this means. The only way to truly experience the power that raised Jesus from the dead is to be in a situation where the only thing that can save you is to call on the power of God to save you. I am not there yet Bro. Paul, but I am in prayer that I will desire to say, “Lord please allow me to suffer so that I may have fellowship with Christ through my suffering”. WOW! My mind is blown. Hold on to yours today as we strive to please God today.